
We have compiled all notices of deaths contained in the Limerick Chronicle (and other local newspapers) from 1781 to 1951. The database consists of death notices, obituaries, funeral reports and news stories pertaining to the death of Limerick persons.

This is the most detailed and labour-intensive of the projects we have undertaken for the website and is also the one about which we have received the most positive feedback from visitors to the site. We have compiled all  notices of deaths contained in the Limerick Chronicle (and some other Limerick newspapers) from 1781 to 1951 (a range of 170 years). It consists of not only death notices but also obituaries, funeral reports and any news stories pertaining to the death of a Limerick person and all deaths that occurred in Limerick city or county. 

Researchers have unearthed much hidden history from this resource. For example, a Norwegian person got in touch to say they had finally found a lost ancestor about whom they could previously find no information, whose death is recorded in our project as he had accidentally drowned at Limerick Docks.

Please note also that while we have made every effort to be thorough we cannot guarantee that these listings are complete – there may be reports of deaths, obituaries, etc. which we have accidentally omitted.

The Chronological Newspaper Extracts section contains images of cuttings from the newspapers pertaining to each entry in the database.

When you find an item of interest in the database, note the date and then go to the Chronological Newspapers Extracts section, click on the relevant year and then on the relevant name to see the newspaper cutting.