

Following hot on the heels of the addition of the Field Name Books of the County and City of Limerick to the website are two further important Limerick history resources – the reports of the Irish Tourist Association Survey of County Limerick (1940s) and the Presentments of the Limerick Grand Jury (1807-1900). We are also...
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The Field Name Books of the County and City of Limerick is a collection of more than 1,700 pages of notes taken by surveyors during the first ordnance survey of County Limerick, c. 1840. They comprise a vast quantity of data on the geography, place names, antiquities and other miscellaneous information relating to Limerick. You...
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We are delighted to share two books of real local importance – City and Cemetery and Amazing Lace – both authored by Dr. Matthew Potter and edited by Jacqui Hayes. You can view City and Cemetery here You can view Amazing Lace here Have a look at the full collection of digitised books here We...
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One of the oldest original edition books (if not the oldest) in our collection is Samuel Mullenaux’s Diary of the Siege of Lymerick, printed and published in 1690. The diary portion relating to the siege was transcribed and reproduced in full for the Siege edition of The Old Limerick Journal (vol. 28, Winter 1990) by...
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Last few copies available! Histories of Protestant Limerick 1912-1923, Limerick Library’s publication for Decade of Centenaries last year, has proven very popular with history enthusiasts in Limerick. There are only a few copies left now so, if you would like one, give Seán at Local Studies a call or send an email. Of course the...
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Published in 1885, Historical Notes on Adare by Rev. T. E. Bridgett is a very rare book. Limerick Library has only one copy in its collection, and there are only one or two further copies within the national library system. We are delighted to offer it in full now in our collection of digitised Limerick...
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In 1885 the Limerick Chronicle newspaper suffered the great embarrassment of regretfully informing their readers of the sad demise of one Dr. Jonathan Elmes of Thomas Street, only to find themselves having to report in the following issue that Dr. Elmes had an amazing resurrection! Dr. Elmes went on to live a further eight years...
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Just how rare is this book? – Ireland Illustrated by Samuel Lover, 1845 While undertaking the cataloguing of some old stock we have come upon this book. On checking the national catalogue we find that there is no other copy of it in Ireland’s public library system. There is a copy of an 1843 edition...
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20th century journal newly available for first time online. Limerick City and County Library is delighted to present The Leader nationalist journal on our local studies website. This newspaper is one of the core regular publications of 20th century Ireland and will be of great interest to historians and history enthusiasts. As far as we...
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