District | Surname | Forename | House Number | Address1 | Address2 | |
1 | Reg District | Surname | Forename | 0 | Address1 | Address2 |
2 | Dock Ward, No. 2 | White | Henry | 11 | Richmond Place | (Most Rev. Lord Bishop) |
3 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 4 | Abbot | George | 42 | Parnell Street | |
4 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 1 | Acherland | Alfred | 3 | Mallow Street | |
5 | Dock Ward, No. 4 | Adam | Julia | 17 | Crescent Avenue | |
6 | Dock Ward, No. 2 | Adams | Mary | 7 | do. | |
7 | Dock Ward, No. 2 | Adams | Mary | 69 | Henry Street | |
8 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 3 | Adams | Victor J. | 56 | William Street | |
9 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 3 | Adams | James J., junr. | 56 | William Street | |
10 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 3 | Adams | Catherine | 56 | William Street | |
11 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 3 | Adams | James J. | 56 | William Street | |
12 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 3 | Adams | Mary Teresa | 56 | William Street | |
13 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 5 | Adamson | John | 79 | Carey's Road | |
14 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 5 | Adamson | Christina | 79 | Carey's Road | |
15 | Dock Ward, No.3 | Agaar | Alexander Mont | 15 | Barrington Street | |
16 | Dock Ward, No.3 | Agar | Florence L. | 22 | Barrington Street | |
17 | Dock Ward, No.3 | Ager | William J. | 22 | Barrington Street | |
18 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahearn | Annie | New Road | Thomondgate | |
19 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 3 | Ahearn | Norah | Halpin's Lane | ||
20 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 3 | Ahearn | James | Halpin's Lane | ||
21 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 1 | Aher | John | 18 | Arthur's Quay | |
22 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 1 | Ahern | Martin | 16 | Rutland Street | |
23 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 2 | Ahern | Nicholas | West Watergate | ||
24 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 2 | Ahern | Hannah | West Watergate | ||
25 | Irishtown, Wards No. 3 | Ahern | Michael | Court Off Lower Gerald Griffin Street | ||
26 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 3 | Ahern | Catherine | 2 | Catherine Street | |
27 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 2 | Ahern | Joseph | West Watergate | ||
28 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 2 | Ahern | Nicholas | 1 | West Watergate | |
29 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 4 | Ahern | Catherine | Mulgrave Street | County Infirmary | |
30 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 2 | Ahern | Bridget | 1 | West Watergate | |
31 | Irishtown, Wards No. 2 | Ahern | Lisa | Bell Tavern Lane | ||
32 | Irishtown, Wards No. 3 | Ahern | Annie | Court Off Lower Gerald Griffin Street | ||
33 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 3 | Ahern | William | 2 | Catherine Street | |
34 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 2 | Ahern | John | West Watergate | ||
35 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 1 | Ahern | Kathleen | Henry Street | ||
36 | Dock Ward, No. 4 | Ahern | Annie | 12 | Emmet Place | |
37 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 1 | Ahern | Nora | 18 | Arthur's Quay | |
38 | Irishtown, Wards No. 3 | Ahern | Matthew | Court Off Lower Gerald Griffin Street | ||
39 | Dock Ward, No. 4 | Ahern | Eugene | 12 | Emmet Place | |
40 | Irishtown, Wards No. 3 | Ahern | Delia | Court Off Lower Gerald Griffin Street | ||
41 | Irishtown, Wards No. 2 | Ahern | Stephen | Bell Tavern Lane | ||
42 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 1 | Ahern | Mary | 16 | Rutland Street | |
43 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 1 | Ahern | Michael | 18 | Arthur's Quay | |
44 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Patrick, sen. | 78 | Sexton Street, North | Thomondgate |
45 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Edward | Quarry Road | Thomondgate | |
46 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Michael | Quarry Road | Thomondgate | |
47 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Patrick | Sexton Street, North | Thomondgate | |
48 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Mary | 27 | Cross Road | Thomondgate |
49 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | May | Quarry Road | Thomondgate | |
50 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 1 | Ahern | Elizabeth | Castle View Gardens | The Nook | |
51 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Patrick, jun. | 78 | Sexton Street, North | Thomondgate |
52 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 4 | Ahern | Alice | 45 | Athlunkard Street | |
53 | Dock Ward, No. 5 | Ahern | Ellen | 11 | Stokes Lane | |
54 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Thomas | Cashill's Lane | ||
55 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 1 | Ahern | Thomas | Castle View Gardens | The Nook | |
56 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Thomas | 27 | Cross Road | Thomondgate |
57 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Patrick | 38 | Cross Road | Thomondgate |
58 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Catherine | 38 | Cross Road | Thomondgate |
59 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Catherine | 40 | Quarry Road | Thomondgate |
60 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Ahern | Bridget | 40 | Quarry Road | Thomondgate |
61 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 4 | Ahern | John | 45 | Athlunkard Street | |
62 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Margaret | Lord Edward Street | ||
63 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 3 | Ahern | John | 14 | Dominick Street | |
64 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 3 | Ahern | Nora | 14 | Dominick Street | |
65 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 3 | Ahern | Michael | 19 | Dominick Street | |
66 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 3 | Ahern | Michael | 11 | Davis Street | |
67 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 3 | Ahern | Minnie | 5 | Merchants Quay | (County Courthouse) |
68 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 5 | Ahern | Denis | 115 | Carey's Road | |
69 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 5 | Ahern | Mary | 115 | Carey's Road | |
70 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | James | 6 | Lord Edward Street | |
71 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Joseph | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
72 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Michael, jn. | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
73 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Martin | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
74 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Michael | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
75 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Bridget | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
76 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Elizabeth | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
77 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | James | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
78 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Ahern | Margaret | 45 | Roxborough Road | |
79 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 1 | Aherne | Dominick | Castle View Gardens | 3 The Nook | |
80 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Aherne | Thomas | New Road | Thomondgate | |
81 | Dock Ward, No. 3 | Airey | Kate | 17 | Wolfe Tone Street | |
82 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 6 | Airey | Mary | 2 | Clare Street | |
83 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 6 | Airey | John Joseph | 2 | Clare Street | |
84 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 6 | Airey | Tom | 2 | Clare Street | |
85 | Dock Ward, No. 4 | Albridge | Lewis | 4 | Emmet Place | |
86 | Dock Ward, No. 4 | Albridge | Nellie | 4 | Emmet Place | |
87 | Customhouse & Market Wards No. 1 | Allen | Bridget | 5 | Francis Street | |
88 | Irishtown, Wards No. 2 | Allen | Christina | 1 | Garvey's Range | |
89 | Dock Ward, No. 2 | Allen | Delia | 1 | do. | |
90 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 6 | Allen | Pat | Canal Bank | ||
91 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 4 | Allen | Rev. Br. Patrick R. | Sexton Street (St. Michael's Place) | ||
92 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 5 | Allen | Margaret | 9 | Thomond Dwellings | Bishop Street |
93 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 5 | Allen | John | 9 | Thomond Dwellings | Bishop Street |
94 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 1 | Allen | Chrissie | 2 | Reeves Path | Mallow Street, Upper |
95 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Allen | Thomas | Cashill's Lane | ||
96 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 1 | Allen | William | 2 | Reeves Path | Mallow Street, Upper |
97 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 6 | Allen | Ellen | Canal Bank | ||
98 | Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 6 | Allen | Joseph | 2 | Pump Lane | |
99 | Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 2 | Allen | Mary Anne | Cashill's Lane | ||
100 | Dock Ward, No. 2 | Alta | Charles | 16 | Windmill Street | |
District | Surname | Forename | House Number | Address1 | Address2 |