Tá cóip chlóite de Luacháil Uí Ghríofa do Luimneach againn chomh maith le cóipeanna micreascannáin de Leabhar Cheaproinnt na nDeachúna agus Cnuasach Béaloidis na Scol don chontae. Tá bailiúchán leabhar againn de stair faoi theaghlaigh éagsúla Luimnigh. Tá bailiúchán leabhar againn de stair faoi theaghlaigh éagsúla Luimnigh.
Dóibh siúd atá ag iarraidh craobh ghinealaigh a chur le chéile nó taighde ginealais a choimisiúnú, molaimid Ginealas Luimnigh: https://www.limerickgenealogy.com/
Tá an rannóg staidéar áitiúil i Leabharlann Phobal Watch House Cross, thart ar 3 chiliméadar ó lár chathair Luimnigh. Is féidir leat dul chun na leabharlainne ar bhus uimhir 303 ó Shráid an Róistigh agus ó Shráid Anraí. Is é V94 NH51 an t-éirchód don áitreabh.
Ríomhphost– localstudies@limerick.ie
Phone – +353 61 557726
Is féidir le duine ar bith cuairt a thabhairt ar an rannóg gan coinne a dhéanamh roimh ré. Mar sin féin, má tá sé ar intinn agat áiseanna amhail léitheoir micreafhoirme, scanóir, fótachóipeálaí, nó ríomhaire a úsáid, moltar áirithint a dhéanamh roimh ré chun infhaighteacht an trealaimh a chinntiú. Ina theannta sin, níl teacht ar an mbailiúchán staidéar áitiúil iomlán ag an rannóg i Leabharlann Watch House Cross. Má tá mír nó acmhainn ar leith á lorg agat molaimid duit teagmháil a dhéanamh le rannóg an staidéar áitiúil sula dtugann tú cuairt uirthi.
Tá úsáid an trealaimh go léir agus rochtain ar an mbailiúchán saor in aisce. Gearrtar táillí ar phriontáil agus ar fhótachóipeáil.
Ceadaímid ábhair a chóipeáil agus a scanadh faoi fhorálacha an Achta Cóipchirt agus Ceart Gaolmhar, 2000. Ciallaíonn sé seo go mbeidh ábhair áirithe nó codanna díobh ar fáil lena gcóipeáil ach go bhfuil srianta ann freisin maidir leis an méid is féidir a chóipeáil. Tá míreanna áirithe againn freisin a chuireann srian ar fhótachóipeáil/scanadh mar gheall ar aois agus riocht leochaileachta.
D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith amhlaidh go dtiocfá ar fhreagra do cheiste ón mbailiúchán ar líne amháin. Mar sin féin, ní foláir a thabhairt le fios, i gcás na n-ábhar go léir atá ar fáil ar an láithreán gréasáin, gur céatadán an-bheag é seo fós den bhailiúchán staidéar áitiúil ar fad.
The first successful census of Ireland was conducted in 1821, inaugurating a decennial series which ended in 1911. The returns for the 1821-91 period have almost entirely been lost, so all that remain for researchers are those for 1901 and 1911 which are available here: http://census.nationalarchives.ie/
The next census of Ireland was conducted in 1926, the records of which will be released in January 2027.
Civil (state) registration of births, marriages, and deaths was introduced into Ireland in 1864. The sole exception was non-Catholic marriages, which that state began recording from 1845. Civil records of Births (1864-1922), Marriages (1845-1947) and Deaths (1864-1972) are available on www.irishgenealogy.ie
Roman Catholicparish records of baptisms, marriages and (uncommonly) burials are held by the parishes themselves. However, in 1949 the National Library microfilmed parochial registers from their dates of commencement (which varies widely from parish to parish) until c.1880. These can be viewed at https://registers.nli.ie/
Church of Ireland registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials are variously held by the parishes, the National Archives, the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, and the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. A significant number were lost during the destruction of the Public Records Office of Ireland in June 1922. A full listing of surviving Church of Ireland registers and their locations is available here:
Methodist Church: Detailed information on Irish Methodist records is available here:
Presbyterian Church: Detailed information on Irish Presbyterian congregational records is available here: https://www.presbyterianireland.org/Utility/About-Us/Historical-Information/Congregational-Records.aspx
The Society of Friends: Records of births, marriages, deaths, and burials is available here: https://www.limerick.ie/discover/explore/historical-resources/limerick-archives/archive-collections/religious-society
Tithe Applotment Books:These were compiled between 1823 and 1837 to assess the tithes payable by the occupants of agricultural holdings of over one acre to the then established Church of Ireland. Books for almost every civil parish in Ireland survive, recording the head of the family, the acreage held, and the sum to be paid. They are available here:
Griffith’s Valuation: Published between 1847 and 1864, Griffith’s Primary Valuation constituted the first comprehensive survey of property occupancy in Ireland, both buildings and land. Valuation books and corresponding maps for every civil parish in Ireland survive, recording the head of the family, their immediate lessors, and the value of the property held. These books and maps are available here:
Mount St Lawrence Burial Records: Mount St Lawrence opened as Limerick city’s municipal cemetery for all faiths and none in 1855 and remains so today. Registers for the 1855-2008 period recording the names of the deceased, their ages and addresses at death, and the location of their graves are available here:
Roots Ireland: rootsireland.ie is a subscription service providing transcriptions of 23 million Irish genealogical records, including an extensive and fully searchable database of Limerick civil and ecclesiastical records.